Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Last Moonshine of the year.

2006. A full year has passed filled with trials, tribulations and change here at home and abroad. This year's seen the introduction of quite a few gigs around the Klang Valley with support ranging from brimming to sometimes none at all. No matter. The mere presence of these gigs are a sign of progress in these parts. Progress to what? To more music of course =)

This month's Moonshine will be held this Thursday the 14th. It won't be the last =)

Taken from the band bio: Ferns were cultivated a score of years ago in a patch of fertile land. Through natural selection, a little loving care and lots of sunlight, the band evolved into the lean, mean & green popsong-writing machine you see today. Ferns' have just released their firstest debut album, On Botany - thus prompting the rabid interest of closet horticulturists the world over. More info here.

Billed for Moonshine 2 months ago, they had to pull out due to unforeseen circumstances. A 5-piece act playing alternative rock tunes, they last appeared at Laundry for Project Bazooka, another show that features local acts organised by the founders of the local indie music info portal projectbazooka.com. I met these boys a long time ago and it'll be good to finally have them on the show. More info here.

Naked Breed
One of the more recognisable acts a few years back were these bunch of modern rock misfits, Naked Breed. They're demo released a few years back received a lot of radio airplay and their eventual album release 'Breeding Ground' managed to do the same. Playing some noticeable shows in the past, they've appeared at the Malaysian X Games, Rock the World, and they were curtain raisers for Deep Purple. Fans, mark your calenders. More info here.

The boys from Sabah are back with their Seattle rock sounds. They appeared at the first Moonshine held at Laundry (after the move from NBT) where they played a stripped down acoustic set. This time around they'll be cranking up the overdrive. Ojie on guitar and vocals, Dicky on guitar, Hazreq on drums and Roy on bass. More info here.

See you there!
